Month: December 2021
NOTICE: requirements for general business license
A general business license is required of all businesses operating within Wilkinson County.
Business licenses are not transferable.
- New/Renewal Business License Application
The following is a listing of documents that may be required to complete your online application process, depending on the nature of your new business.
- Notarized E-Verify Affidavit
Pursuant to Georgia State Law, private employers of 11 or more employees must be registered for the E-Verify program and must provide their E-Verify user number on the required affidavit.
Private employees with less than 11 employees are required to provide evidence claiming to be exempt from the requirement to register and utilize the E-Verify program and such evidence must be presented in the form of an affidavit.
Prior year notarized E-Verify affidavits are not acceptable.
Registration information is available at
- Notarized SAVE Affidavit
The State of Georgia has made participation in the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program mandatory for any agency administering a business license.
The SAVE affidavit verifies each applicant’s lawful presence in the U.S. by allowing the applicant to affirm either that they are a “U.S. Citizen or legal permanent resident 18 years of age or older” or that they are “a qualified alien or nonimmigrant lawfully present in the U.S. and providing the applicant’s alien number.”
Prior year notarized SAVE affidavits are not acceptable.
Additional information above the SAVE Program can be found at
- Copy of applicant’s government issued photo ID
Georgia State Law provides a listing of acceptable documents to authenticate an applicant’s immigration status to meet the SAVE Program requirements. Please refer to the listing of secure and verifiable documents at SAVE AND E-VERIFY
NOTICE: emergency management ordinance
To review Wilkinson County’s Emergency Managmenet Ordinance, click HERE.
NOTICE: renew Occupational Tax Certificate
For Wilkinson County Business Owners, it is time to renew your Occupation Tax Certificate.
Your Occupational Certificates expires December 31st of each year. The cost of renewal is $75.00, If you renew after December 31st you will be subject to a 25.00 late fee.
If you have any questions, please contact or (478) 946-2236.
Dennis Stroud, County Manager
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners Meeting December 7, 2021
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners will meet December 7, 2021 @ 9:00 AM for an agenda amendment to discuss and approve the qualifying fees for Chairman and Commissioners.