Category: Bids
NOTICE: Request for quotes to renovatation of the old jail
The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners will be accepting bids on the following County Project:
- Renovation of the old jail to included but not be limited to:
- Floor repairs including carpet removal & new floor installation
- Repairing and painting walls
Work will be done to facilities located at 100 Bacon Street, Irwinton, GA, next to the Wilkinson County Courthouse. The successful bidder will submit a certificate of workers comp. and liability insurance when the bid is awarded. A Residential Contractors license for the state of Georgia will be required.
Specifications may be obtained at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office in the Court House located at 100 Bacon Street, Irwinton Georgia 31042, on the county website, or by emailing
Sealed Bids will be accepted until 12:00 P.M., November 4, 2024, and will be opened at the Public Bid Opening to be held at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office and will be recorded at that time. The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any bid.
Click HERE to view the RFQ
Tracy D. Strange
County Manager
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners
Telephone: 478-946-2236
NOTICE: accepting sealed bids for ‘resurfacing of 2 County Maintained Roads within Wilkinson County’
The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners will be accepting sealed bids on the following County Project:
- Resurfacing of 2 County Maintained Roads within Wilkinson County.
2013 Department of Transportation Specifications for Patching, Leveling, Resurfacing, Tack Coat, and Stripping. Payment will be based on quantities in place. Bidders are required to visit roads prior to bidding.
Project Scope: The project consists of approximately 3.30 miles of roadway
The successful bidder will submit a certificate of workers comp., liability insurance, and performance bond in the amount of 100% of the project upon being awarded the bid.
Please use bid documentation sheets to document your bids.
Sealed Bids will be accepted until 2:00 P.M., Monday November 4, 2024, and will be opened and recorded at the Public Bid Opening to be held at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office. The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any bid. Interested bidders can contact Tracy Strange, County Manger for the list of roads for resurfacing.
Tracy D. Strange
County Manager
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners
Telephone: 478-946-2236
NOTICE: accepting sealed bids for ‘restructuring and operation of the Wilkinson County Recreation Department’
The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners will be accepting sealed bids on the following County Project:
- Restructuring and operation of the Wilkinson County Recreation Department
The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners are looking to revise the recreation department and place it under the management of an outside operator.
Project Scope: The project consists of individuals or groups looking to take over the operation and funding of recreation activities. Interested parties will be responsible for the following:
- Funding for program operations
- Facilitate football, softball, with the possibility of adding other sports such as soccer and basketball
- Maintain fields (striping, dugouts, etc.) County will maintain grounds and buildings
- Provide insurance for participants
- Coordinate coaches and officials for teams and games
- Provide items for concessions, if so desired
The successful proposal will consist of the all of the items listed above and any additional that the proposer desires.
Sealed Proposals will be accepted until 2:00 P.M., Monday November 4, 2024. Commissioners will review all proposals during their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday November 5, 2024 at 9:00am. Interested individuals or groups will be allotted time to present their plan for recreation. The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal. Interested parties may contact Tracy Strange, County Manger with any questions.
Tracy D. Strange
County Manager
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners
Telephone: 478-946-2236
NOTICE: request for proposals for Emergency Medical Services
The Wilkinson County Commission is seeking a contractor to provide emergency ambulance services for all of Wilkinson County, regardless of the patient’s ability to pay.
The County is seeking providers who will provide and furnish emergency vehicles and services within the incorporated limits of all municipalities and unincorporated areas of Wilkinson County. Non-emergency service is not to be included in the contract, nor is non-emergency service to be provided utilizing ambulances or equipment provided by contractor for Wilkinson County.
Interested contractors may seek a copy of the detailed RFP by contacting County Manager Tracy Strange, by phone at 478-946-2236, by electronic mail at, or through the county website at
All proposals are due by 2:00 P.M. November 22, 2024 and should be returned to Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners, Attention Tracy Strange, 100 Bacon Street Room 242, P O Box 161, Irwinton, GA 31042.
To view the detailed RFP, click HERE.
NOTICE: accepting sealed bids for the following County Project: Repair of 4 roads in the City of McIntyre
The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners will be accepting sealed bids on the following County Project: Repair of 4 roads in the city of McIntyre.
Department of Transportation Specifications for Patching, Leveling, Resurfacing, Tack Coat, and Stripping should be followed. Payment will be based on quantities in place. Bidders are required to visit roads prior to bidding.
Project Scope: The project consists of approximately 1.4 miles of roadway
The successful bidder will submit a certificate of workers comp., liability insurance, and performance bond in the amount of 100% of the project upon being awarded the bid.
Please use bid documentation sheets to document your bids.
Sealed Bids will be accepted until 2:00 P.M., Monday March 18, 2024, and will be opened and recorded at the Public Bid Opening to be held at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office. The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any bid. Interested bidders can contact Tracy Strange, County Manger for the list of roads for resurfacing.
Click to view the Repair of Roads in the City of McIntyre RFP
Tracy D. Strange
County Manager
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners
Telephone: 478-946-2236
NOTICE: Invitation to bid for ‘Garbage Collection’
Wilkinson County Invitation to Bid:
The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners will be accepting bids on the following County Project: Garbage Collection – Various dumpster sites within Wilkinson County
Wilkinson County has 11 dumpster sites. Each location should be serviced two times per week, Mondays and Fridays with exceptions coming when holidays fall on those days. Also, a price per day is requested when a third day per week is caused by a holiday. Garbage is to be hauled to Wolf Creek Landfill in Twiggs County.
The full RFP may be obtained from Tracy Strange, County Manager, at the Commissioners’ office at 100 Bacon Street, Irwinton, GA 31042 or click HERE.
Solid Waste Collection & Disposal RFP
Sealed Bids will be accepted until 10:00 A.M., Monday March 11, 2024, and will be opened and recorded at the Public Bid Opening to be held at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office. The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any bid.
Tracy Strange, County Manager
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners
P.O. Box 161
Irwinton, Georgia 31042
Telephone: 478-946-4303
NOTICE: accepting bids for Recreation Department Projects: 1. renovating restrooms & 2. roof replacement
The Wilkinson County Recreation Department will be accepting bids on the following County Project:
- Renovation of men and women restrooms to include replacement of toilets, sinks, and painting
- Replacement of roof on concession stand and restrooms
Work will be done to facilities located at 200 Ballpark Road, Gordon, GA 31031. The successful bidder will submit a certificate of workers comp. and liability insurance when the bid is awarded. A Residential Contractors license for the state of Georgia will be required.
Specifications may be obtained at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office in the Court House located at 100 Bacon Street, Irwinton Georgia 31042, on the county website, or by emailing
Sealed Bids will be accepted until 10:00 A.M., December 27, 2023, and will be opened at the Public Bid Opening to be held at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office and will be recorded at that time. The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any bid.
Click HERE to view the RFP
Tracy D. Strange, County Manager
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners
Telephone: 478-946-2236
NOTICE: accepting bids for Recreation Department Projects: 1. renovating restrooms & 2. roof replacement
The Wilkinson County Recreation Department will be accepting bids on the following County Project:
- Renovation of men and women restrooms to include replacement of toilets, sinks, and painting
- Replacement of roof on concession stand and restrooms
Work will be done to facilities located at 200 Ballpark Road, Gordon, GA 31031. The successful bidder will submit a certificate of workers comp. and liability insurance when the bid is awarded. A Residential Contractors license for the state of Georgia will be required.
Specifications may be obtained at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office in the Court House located at 100 Bacon Street, Irwinton Georgia 31042, on the county website, or by emailing
Sealed Bids will be accepted until 10:00 A.M., December 4, 2023, and will be opened at the Public Bid Opening to be held at the Wilkinson County Commissioners Office and will be recorded at that time. The Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any bid.
Click HERE to view the RFP
Tracy D. Strange, County Manager
Wilkinson County Board of Commissioners
Telephone: 478-946-2236
NOTICE: Landscaping Services RFP
THE WILKINSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS solicits proposals for Landscaping Services for Wilkinson County. Proposals will be received in the office of the County Manager, 100 Bacon Street, Irwinton, GA 31042 until 2:00 PM on July 3, 2023 at which time said sealed proposals will be publicly opened and contractor’s names will be read aloud.
- Request for Proposal: 6/12/2023
- Deadline for questions: 6/19/2023 5PM EST
- Answers to questions: 6/22/2023 5PM EST
- Proposal Due Date: 7/3/2023 (No later than 2:00 p.m. EST)
- Board of Commissioners Approval: July 5, 2023 (8:45 a.m.)
QUESTIONS: regarding this project may be directed in writing to the County Manager, Tracy Strange, at 100 Bacon Street, Irwinton, Georgia 31042. All questions shall be received by June 19th, 2023 and answered by June 22nd, 2023. Questions must be emailed to
SUBMISSION: One (1) original and one (1) copies of required bid documents must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked with the Proposal number, due date, and the bidder’s name and address on
sealed submission package, as well as outside of shipping packaging.
Click HERE to view the RFP.